Inflammation of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. Immune system activity known as inflammation can result in discomfort, swelling, and modifications to the function of tissues or organs. Tucked underneath the stomach is a long, flat gland called the pancreas. The pancreas controls blood sugar levels and aids in meal digestion. Acute pancreatitis is a possible diagnosis. This indicates that it usually manifests abruptly and fades quickly. A chronic pancreatitis is an enduring ailment. ver time, the pancreas damage may worsen. Acute pancreatitis might get better by itself. Severe diseases can have life-threatening consequences and need to be treated in a hospital. In the event that your stomach pain is sudden or persistent, schedule a visit with your physician. If your discomfort is so bad that you are unable to sit still, get medical attention right once and find a more comfortable posture.
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